Sunday, September 23, 2012

Re: Subliminal Messages

I am really not sure what person is writing the blog that we all have to post about... I think it's courtney's turn... so I am writing regarding her post on subliminal messaging.

I may be completely wrong about the meaning of subliminal messaging but in my eyes it has to do with something that makes your sub-concious think about something else or to get the product/do something that you didn't really think of at the moment. 

In one of my other classes we were talking about how Amazon is famous for listing what other products you may be interested in. For instance if I buy a CD then when I am looking at my other cart, other options appear at the bottom of the page allowing the person to see if they want anything else. I think it's labeled something like "Other buyers who bought that, also bought this". But what that does is expand your mind process. I may for instance buy the CD that I wanted and then also click on a CD that I have never heard of but other people that liked my music liked this as well. Now, down the road CD #2 is more of my style than CD #1, thus I don't want to listen to anymore songs by CD #1. I have now opened by eyes to more things, more possibilities, and more of a culture change (in a way). But is this really bad? I think it may be bad for the band on CD #1, but what is CD #2's band was underground and because of Amazon they became more popular and successful. I would have never heard of them or contributed to their band if it weren't for Amazon and them catergorizing. So is it really bad after all?

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