Saturday, October 11, 2014

Re: Getting out of your comfort zone

So as I was reading Jasmine's post, I realized that I totally forgot about last weeks post! #pregnancyproblems, sorry guys. But I did want to touch on that first, since I completely spaced it.

Portfolios are obviously huge for people in our line of work/school. Personally, I really enjoy the thought of freelance. That way I can do a little bit of everything, or focus on whatever I want because I will be working for myself. But that also means that having a diverse portfolio as well as a niche is critical. Unfortunately, I don't think I've found my niche quite yet, but I feel like I am in the perfect place (school) to build a portfolio and discover who it is I want to be as a designer. I don't use Behance or pinterest for portfolio display, but I did recently buy a domain to build my own site. I'm hoping thats a project I can finish on maternity leave. ;)

Comfort zones. Ugh, I doubt my design abilities all the time. And to be honest, the best way to regain some of that confidence is to push myself out of that comfort zone. Sometimes its more successful than others, but there is always a great sense of accomplishment when I try something new. Whether its a new software technique or a completely different style than I am used to work in, I find pushing myself in new/different directions is helpful to my work. I know I mostly need to be working on EVERYTHING outside the print realm of design. And my second half of my program will be dedicated to just that. It's scary, but I know the pay off with be good and I'll be a better, more well rounded designer in the end.

In terms of this project, I'd suggest you try the illustrating. I bet it comes out better than you think. And if not, you'll have that much more experience with it so its bound to be even better the next time! Illustrating is also a zone I've never really pushed myself into, but I find getting inspired by other illustrators and designers can really get you motivated. Here is one illustrator that I always come across and really like. Good luck!

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