Monday, September 28, 2015

Re: Design Resources

I'm guilty of signing up for a lot of design blogs and email newsletters, but never actually opening them. I either send them to my design email or trash them. I initially sign up for these with the hope that one day I will actually have time to sit down and read something.

As of two weeks ago I am an AIGA member, which is exciting but, again, I need to find the time to read everything they are sending me. So when I really think about it, I don't do that much (or enough) to stay up with the trends, although I can say that when I have some downtime at work (10 minutes tops) I go on behance and look at what artists from around the world are creating. 

I remember Joe recommending to us to go to Barnes and Nobles every six months and either spend at least $100 on design magazines or sit there for a few hours and browse through them. Remembering this, I decided to research top magazines for designers. A good list can be found here. A few that I see repeated on other sites that aren't on this list are Juxtapose, Graphic Design USA, and Design Week.

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