Thursday, November 8, 2012

Typographic Sins

In a recent issue of HOW magazine (July 2012), there was an article titled "34 Typographic Sins" by Jim Godfrey, which outlines some of the common mistakes that graphic designers tend to make. I thought this would be an interesting topic of conversation since a lot of us probably make these mistakes regularly or simply do not consider them mistakes to begin with. 

Most designers can't help but notice things like leading and kerning in a body of text, or the inappropriate size of typeface. One of the things I didn't pay any attention to until I started my career in design, are all the types of dashes. Apparently, there is a time and a place for an "en" and an "em" dash! Item #15 in Godfrey's list states, "Rivers in justified text. Unsightly large spaces between words occur if the line length is too short or the point size of the text is too large." I think this is a pretty good one, since justifying text isn't always the best solution. 

To view the complete list of Typographic Sins, use this link: 

After reading through this list, what do you agree or disagree with? Is this just another useless list for designers? Are there certain typographic rules that you live by in your day to day design work? 

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