Friday, November 2, 2012

Re: Lists, Lists, Lists!

Congratulations, Crystal!!! I have to say, I'm a little disappointed that a wedding photo was not included in your post ;)

I too, live by lists. As a matter of fact, I have a giant, completely out of control to-do list sitting next to me right now, which I will be stressing over all weekend. But once I'm finished blogging, I will scratch that item off and it will feel amazing. Like Elizabeth said, a lot of satisfaction comes from physically crossing things off a list. I suppose it's all about establishing priorities and staying organized. 

In the "10 Essentials Every Design Student Should Know", number 6, "Coping with Absurd Deadlines" is making me laugh and cry all at once. I completely underestimated the amount of stress that would come with working full time and taking graduate classes part time. And then, there's normal "life activities", like spending time with your family and managing to get enough sleep. It's really rough when everything seems like a priority. I guess the trick is just doing one thing at a time and making a timeline for yourself. Tonight, I will blog and start writing my paper for Visual and Verbal Rhetoric. Tomorrow, I will work on Grace Kelly's social media presence. It will all get done as long as I can keep it together! 

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