Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Re:Packaging Design

I am a straight sucker for packaging. I fall victim to it all the time, even though I can hear my mother's voice in my head saying, "You are just paying extra for the package!" I think everyone does, and thats what makes some brands so popular (ahem, Tiffany and Co. ) and others seem a bit dull.

I pay attention to packaging particularly when I'm shopping for two things- alcohol and cosmetics. No, they don't go hand in hand, but I think they are two areas where people have come up with some really neat designs, or at least ones that visually call out to me. If it comes to cosmetics, somehow the nicer package makes me think its a better product (clearly not a fail proof method of picking out a beauty cream or something). If its wine, beer, etc- I'm much more likely to pick the bottle up and take it home because of the design. I hate to throw out packaging

These are some brands I've bought because I love the packaging.

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