Friday, November 2, 2012

Re: Lists, Lists, Lists!


Second, I love lists as well. Especially when I can cross something off my list. It makes me feel more accomplished and less stressed.

Anyways, I'm not sure if this was advice from someone or something I read on a list, but it states: You are never really done. Meaning-- you work hard on a project for days, weeks, months. You have looked at your computer screen, exhausted your imagination and creativity, and finally think you are done with you project. You're not. You never really will be. You are just done looking at it for now. You must then print out your assumed "final" hang it somewhere you can conveniently look at it and wait. I always hang mine on my closet door or on my mirror in my bathroom (i have a very large mirror). Everyday you just simply glance at it with no thoughts in mind and critique it. Amazingly you will find your imagination and creativity come back to you. I guess the trick is to make your project seem almost foreign to your brain so that you can give yourself an honest "out of the box" critique on your own work.

I'm sure tons of people do this already...but I really appreciated the advice. So, thanks to whoever I got this from (lists or not.)

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