Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rejection, self-doubt and what I've been working on

Carolyn's post couldn't have come at a better time for me -- I had a nasty rejection experience with a client at work last week, and while I won't go over the circumstances (just trust me that they totally sucked), it was just as you described. I gave them a plain bad design, I'll admit, and they pointed that out, and it ruined my afternoon...After considering that maybe I'm a total imposter with no design talent, I just forced myself to think about the satisfied and sometimes over-satisfied clients I've had in the past, and remember that this was an exception, not the rule. But it's a tough business, especially when it seems like clients have no clue that we put thought and care into our work when they tear it up.

That said, I was also out on Thursday, so I'm posting what I would've brought in to the blog: Revised logo to address the "cannons don't look like that" issue, info cards and letterhead.
Okay, actually the letterhead and other card aren't uploading properly in maybe I'll try them in a separate post.

The other two pieces I plan to have don't on Thursday are a fold-out visitors' guide and a display sign...It's safe to say that I'm officially Fort McHenry-ed out.

1 comment:

Amy P. said...

The ballast(?) you've added for balance -- fine -- but it's throwing the color balance off. The red is completely overpowered by the blue now. Could you make the new element not as thick possibly? You need to do something to get the lightness back into the image. The white area that is now filled up was giving you a nice lightness in weight that you have lost. You need to consider that. I was never that bothered by the graphic portrayal of the cannon -- it's a graphic not a photo. I'm not saying you should go back to what you had but you need to consider your color balance and the importance of all the colors.
