Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Re: TV Show Logos

I was a longtime fan of the  Showtime show Dexter and I always admired the awesome design and directing of their opening credits and the attention to detail of the logo. If you haven't seen it before, check it out below/read about the process. The show (a drama about a likable forensic/blood spatter analyst scientist who happens to be a bad-guy-only-serial killer) opens with mundane morning routine tasks turned gruesome-looking and ends with the blood spattered logo name:
Since we are just talking about logos, I'll focus on the type. Above, you will notice they use a more life-like looking design as well as a cleaner and a not so clean Dexter logo, which always resembles blood in some way. They are all used interchangeably with promos. While the blood splatter is an obvious nod to the show, I appreciate that the typeface itself is a clean and strong sans-serif, yet almost feels swift and somewhat sinister. Dexter is methodical and strong and his "kills" are well planned like an animal tracking prey. The treatment and the color work very well for the tone of the show. Additionally, the logo also perhaps shows that he is trying to hide who he is (his "dark-passenger" as he describes in the show) underneath his well-put-together nice guy persona. Kudos, Dexter designers. Now, change the series finale.

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