Thursday, September 25, 2014

Re: Choosing Type

Choosing type can be very tricky indeed. Before I started the MFA program, my background was in graphic illustration. It was a bit challenging transitioning frmo Artist to Designer. Sometimes I still have a difficult time putting my artist hat down completely when it comes to design and working on my assignments. After completing the Typography 1 course, I've learned so many things I was not aware of when it comes to using type. I was not familiar with the grid system, nor did I pay attention the importance of choosing the right type for a client vs my personal preference.

When It's time for my to choose a typeface. I simply go online to different blogs and typeface websites to view different typefaces and to see how they have been used. I also research what color palettes they have done and the combination of other typefaces with that specific one. I have a habit of choosing a lot of sans serif typefaces simply because of the bold and clean look.

Thinking with type  from Typography 1 is definitely a good read. I still go back and read when I am stuck with a design. And also Jen gave great examples of websites that I've gone to before for inspiration.

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