Thursday, November 13, 2008

Did no one get the memo about me not wanting to hear the word "eco" for a while?

Anyway, in the great words of Bert Smith "Print is not dead." Magazines are hotter than ever, with more specialized ones coming out frequently. I have to take a slightly cynical Mogi stance on this one--there are plenty other ways the envionment is being destroyed. Can we try to talk to our clients about more efficient ways to advertise or promote without printing 5000 pieces that will get tossed? Maybe. Probably not.
I'm gonna make this short n sweet. I love print. Newspapers don't count, they're boring and you can achieve the same thing--only more current and interesting--on the web. sad but true. But magazines, no way. books, not a chance. Ever heard of a coffee table website? There's just something about the feel, the smell, the sound of the crackling and rustling of a mag or book that just cant be beat. And when i forget to pay my cable bill and my internet gets shut off, i dont have to go to panera to relax and check out the latest issue of Bon Appetite. just sayin.

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