Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Inspiration is hard to come by sometimes. Everyone is inspired differently and by many different ways. My inspiration comes from...well I don't know. I try research to inspire myself, digesting a lot of my surrounding throughout the week and I do try to take as many pictures as I can. Sometimes I need to take a drive somewhere to the country or try to get my navigation system lost, go fishing, or golf to gather my thoughts. But sometimes I draw blanks.

I have the same problem of a profession concrete wall holding me back. Through my coligante career I have an interactive design AA and a BS in Visual Communication Design. I started off in a newspaper sweat shop doing an ad in 45 minutes perfectly and creatively until they ran out of money. Then landed in the corporate financial world creating market materials which to say the least, not to inspiring. But learning world class customer service is well worth it. So through all of these sweet jobs that did not inspire me, I was left and still am in a cocoon of sorts. I have lacked inspiration for a long time until I enrolled into this program 3 years ago. That was my main reason to achieve my MA and step back into the design world I sorely missed. The corporate world is a dead end for me but pays the bills and inspires me to do something more with my life and design ideas.

I find inspiration in the smallest things and think what makes that logo or design timeless and try to install that inspiration in a design, like what would this look like 10 years from now.

I still feel lost when designing but I stand fast and be patient and most of the time the inspiration will appear and if it doesn't I stay up late as much of you do as I do find my creativity rises with caffeine, iTunes spewing out some Pink Floyd and the clock ticking away.

Here is a website I found that includes many links to inspiration.

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