Monday, September 14, 2009

Discussion Digression

Sorry gang, I'm not going to belly-ache about my job, lack of job or anything in that vein. I really don't see any benefit in one-upping each other about how much their nine to five blows. To be honest, I really don't care.

I want to talk about design.

In class last week I refereed to a webcast I watched about beautiful & sustainable packaging. I tried to find the link to it, no luck so far. Here is the link to the article on

Their stuff is smart and it really looks great. I love the look of the molded paper cartons. I've seen it used in other applications and I foresee it as a cure for this country's addiction to over-packaging everything. Eventually Pangea's art department will be a competitor of yours and mine, exciting.

There is a great site by Jacob Cass, he does a ton of "how-to" stuff, and he is a great resource for designers. He has an article in Layers magazine this month about logo design. I would recommend finding the article if this is your first foray into creating an identity. Here is his site:

Photoshop is the greatest program ever. But, people don't work hard at being good at it. I do, but you don't care. You are interested in seeing people who totally shit themselves with their lack of skill and art direction. That's why I recommend one of the best design blogs ever:


I found a disaster at the food store this past week, my handy iPhone helped me capture the creepiness.

You all see that, right?


CB said...


Jacob Cass is great...this site is filled with all sorts of cool shit! thanks for passing this along!

Bobby G said...

I reread my post and I think my choice of words most likely was interpreted wrong. Its not that I don't care about these things, I just meant in the context of this class there are better things to discuss than our dreaded lives outside academia. I apologize if anyone was offended.