Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm a big nerd too.

I've noticed that I pretty much ignore bad design and look past it (or at least I try to) but I notice really good design. Since I started grad school I feel like I notice design around me even more. What's funny is when I point out a really cool design to a "normal" person (that made me laugh Mike) and they're like "Carolyn, what are you talking about?" and I'm thinking "hm, I guess other people don't get really excited about cool typography/images/designs/etc?"
Anyway, I'm a total nerd too because I love seeing cleaver ads/designs, they really inspire me.

I liked what Adrian Shaughnessy said about what other people think about designers in A Layperson's Guide to Graphic Design. (Robert De Niro's quote is pretty hilarious too.) When talking to people about school, sometimes I get, "how hard can it be, it's art?"
Argh! So frustrating. I think graphic design is a very challenging field that requires people to be smart and creative problem solvers. Most people don't realize what graphic design involves.

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