Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Video Game Design

As I was perusing through one of my favorite blogs, Buzz Feed, I came across a posting about this website. Title Scream is a collection of the "home" screens from 16/8 bit games. Most of these games are from the 80s/early 90s. The site itself is very simplistic. The main page only has thumbnails from each game. Once you click on a game, it shows you the year and company, as well as a little animation of what the title screen actually looks like. The site is maintained by an interactive designer who wanted to preserve the art work from classic video games.

I think the screen art for these old school games are extremely fascinating. You would NEVER find these designs in games today. The difference of pixels vs vectors in games presents such a drastically different playing experience. Although video game technology and graphics have certainly changed for the better, there's something cool about looking at, and even playing, games like these. Do you guys remember playing any of the video games on this site (or any others you can remember) when you were younger and thinking the graphics were awesome? I remember firing up GoldenEye on N64 not too long ago and thinking to myself that I never remembered the graphics being quite so pixelated when I was younger.

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