Monday, December 8, 2008

School, inspiration and the whole crazy thing.

This program has definitely changed my creative process and the way I look at things. When I started school, someone asked me if it was making me look at things differently (ads, commercials, movies, etc.) I said no, not really...
Well, now it is, and it's a really good thing (although it drives me a little crazy when I'm trying to figure out what typeface is on a street sign). I'm much more aware, now, of my visual surroundings and the design that surrounds us in various media.
As for inspiration, I feel like sometimes I get too busy to be inspired (if that makes sense.) It's so much easier to be inspired when you're traveling or have time to go to museums, walks, etc. Right now I'm just trying to finish school, not get fired and see my friends and family when I can. But I do find inspiration in little everyday things and I find inspiration in other designers (famous or colleagues/teachers).

I've found a lot of teachers are telling us to not rely on the computer as much. I was a Fine Arts student undergrad so I was really into drawing/painting etc....but now I've gotten so removed from that with the computer. It's nice to be reminded that the computer is just a tool and to go back to my roots with design and not to rely on the computer so much.

And wow, Tara, you wake up eaaaaaarly. That's dedication. Congratulations on almost being done.

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