Monday, December 1, 2008

Old Sex, New Sex - late post

This subject has been talked about a lot. I liked the stats on women but that is 2006 and I bet that those stats are even higher now. I liked the stat of "In 2005, women accounted for 30% of all lawyers, 32% of all physicians and surgeons, and 67% of all psychologists." 67% of, I don't want to get myself in trouble here but I should have figured that. Women like to talk and consol, that's how I met my wife.

Here is the 2007 Fact Sheet(PDF)and the 2008 Fact Sheet

Sex sells, at least that is what the companies and agencies doing these campaigns think. Me personally, I don't go out and by a cologne because a guy has a beautiful half naked girl attached to him. But that is what the company is hoping for. If you use this cologne then you'll get the girl.

What I thought about first is car commercials and the axe man spray ads.

Those axe commercials are funny and axe isn't really aimed at the married 30-40 year old so I can understand but the commercials are really over the top and they need a disclaimer because it works...I want real data, like product reviews.

Most of these ads are directed to the younger generation I think, but some are not. I try not to pay attention. Also it is giving the young generation 16 and below, a wrong perception as to what your body is supposed to look like. You need to be a waist size 28-32 to get a pair of 75 jeans from AF with holes already in them???

Some of these work some do not, I would rather see the CBR in action on the street, I know it's fast but I want to see it. Will it attract fast women?

I don't understand the language but I get the point, I seems they need help selling that car.

This kinda makes me sick with the dad not angry about the dudes gazing at his little girls and wife. I guess they could have just used the wife and not the kids.

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