Thursday, December 4, 2008

Banning Sexist Commercials? Are You Kidding Me?!!!!

I read the article David posted and I cannot strongly disagree with him more when he said, "good to know that someone is thinking about it." While I understand that sexism, racism, and every other "ism" still exists, banning speech and expression is NEVER the answer! Regardless of whether one finds an ad offensive or not, I don't want someone and especially some government run entity telling me what I can watch, read, view, create, and most importantly THINK! If it sounds like this article touched a nerve, then you would be right. Banning anything deprives me of the opportunity to use my own brain and judgment to critically analyze and form an intelligent opinion about something. It's this PC bullshit wrapped up in good intentions that has me fuming mad whenever I come across an article like this. If we are to give in to the notion that it's okay to ban something, then we have established a precedent for other forms of expression to wind up on the chopping block. If any of you find something crude, distasteful, or offensive, then I'm fine with that. You all have a right to be offended and voice your opinion about it, but when that opinion eventually grants the government the power to create laws and regulations restricting speech, then we have all lost. Remember, the first amendment was not created to protect just popular speech, but the unpopular speech as well. And if anybody finds what I've said in this post offensive, GOOD! I must be doing something right then.

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