Friday, December 11, 2015

Open Mic

Hi everyone! I am bummed that I couldn't be there for the last class. I reeeeally wanted to see how everybody's posters turned out. Will they be hanging in the hallway next semester?

Since you're probably wondering, I gave birth to the sweetest little baby boy on Dec. 2. His name is Henry Sawyer Cochran and I just love him to pieces. I've already started designing his baby book. :)

I know it's all because of the hormones, but I'm not ashamed to admit that when I read Don's blog, I totally teared up. I felt touched by Don's words because I, too, have enjoyed the camaraderie while watching myself and others grow in our work. His reflections on his career path and progress also made me reflect on my own experiences. I think that I've always loved design but I didn't know it until two years ago when I discovered that designing rather than writing is what totally engrosses me unlike anything else. This program has given me the confidence to not only to make a career change but to call myself a designer. A big part of that has been the support and inspiration from peers and professors. What I appreciated about this course, in addition to the intimate size, was the breadth, depth and scope of the projects. They truly were more advanced and complex than most of the other straightforward projects for other classes. 

It's been a blast, you guys! I'd love to connect with all of you on LinkedIn since next semester will be my last. 

Happy Holidays (spoken in a "deanly" voice, haha)! And Happy New Year! Hope everyone enjoys their break!

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