Tuesday, December 4, 2012

RE: Creative Blocks

Creative blocks, we all hate them! When I have a creative block I usually do the following (in no particular order):

  1. Skim three books (sometimes more):
    • Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas, by James Adams...which never helps, but I continue to look through it.
    • Visible Signs: An Introduction to Semiotics in the Visual Arts, by David Crow
    • Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual, by Timothy Samara
  2. Take a walk or go to places where I can people watch.
  3. Talk about my ideas with others, normally my dad, my mom, and three friends (one a writer, the second a writer and designer, the third a lawyer/politician). This either confuses my thought process or clarifies it.
  4. Either sit in my sons room and stare at his toys or play with his toys.
If none of the above works out, I will just sleep on the idea and come back to it later.

1 comment:

Andy D. said...

I love the playing with toys idea!